Every house demands a remodel after a specific period, if your Bathroom is in the state of remodel but you don't want to spend big money, well we’ve got some of the best ideas for you where you won't have to spend a lot of money and can easily cost-effectively remodel your bathroom.
The first thing you should keep in mind is to work by yourself because hiring a contractor for remodeled bathroom is going to be expensive for you. So, it is better that you work it up yourself. So, here are some of the easy remodeling ideas that you can follow and do by yourself in just a couple of steps.
DIY is always the best option to save money and stay on budget while getting the most of it.
Wooden Mirror Frame
Instead of buying a new design of mirror for your bathroom, you can simply turn your old one into a new one just by adding a wooden frame around it. Adding a custom mirror frame to your bathroom is the easiest and affordable thing you can do.
All you need to make the frame is some wooden planks and wood glue to hold it together, carefully measure the length and width of the wooden frame, then draw 45⁰ cuts at the edges to join the frame together. This idea is perfect for square mirrors.
You can stick the frame directly on the wall with constructive adhesive you won’t even require nails and draw holes in your wall.
Open Shelves
The addition of open shelves should be considered a must for any bathroom remodeling, especially in the case of a small bathroom where there is not so much space available to keep the necessary stuff how can a person add décor items? Open racks allow creating space for keeping things you won't find space for otherwise.Making and placing an open shelf into your bathroom isn't a difficult task. You can even use leftover wood from the wooden frame you made for your mirror. Just cut the wooden planks according to their respective size and use metal holders to place them on the wall.
You can design the wooden planks with paint or just use a wood stain to enhance the beauty of it, finish the shelve with a beautiful wood polish to give it a nice finish.
The open shelves will provide extra space to keep your accessories and extra bathroom décor items and will also give your bathroom an earthy feel.
Paint Your Walls and Cabinets
Painting is the best way to create a new look and is the most affordable thing to do. The color and lighting have a big impact on how the space feels, dark and bold colors with no natural light will make your bathroom extra claustrophobic.
The best colors for a bathroom are light and brighter colors, and the greatest choice is white color, all the professional designers advise using white color for the bathroom walls.
You can create patterns and designs using paint as tiles are costly, if you are good at drawing patterns then you should give painting go.
Painting Cabinets, instead of changing the whole drawers or cabinets just for the sake of a new design or color, you can simply paint the doors to match the color scheme. People presume that painting existing cabinets is hard as the paint won’t stuck to it, if this thing happens to you just keep in mind that you are not following the exact procedure.
The glossy wood cabinets have a polyurethane finish that does not allow the paint to stick, to paint the cabinet you must destroy the coating first by sandpaper or wash it off by using TSP. Then you can easily paint the drawers, cabinets, and anything you want to give a new look.
DIY Light Holders
This may sound exaggerated but trust us, just by changing the lighting the bathroom can go from zero to a hundred, and that’s a fact. Create your DIY light holders, you can use stainless steel cans, mason jars, and even cloth pieces and let your creativity out on it.For Mason Jars, you can cut a small hole in hole in the cap to allow the bulb bottom to pass through the cap and connect it with the electric holder, place the cap along with the bulb back on the mason jar and tighten it, remember to use lightweight mason jars so that they won't fall off the light fixture.
Or you can simply just place some battery-powered fairy lights inside a glass jar and place them on the open shelves for an aesthetic effect.
For stainless steel cans, cut a small opening for the bulb bottom and poke round holes big enough so that light can pass through them, keep the size according to your bulb size. This will create a warm light effect and can be turned on while having a relaxing bath.
Summing Up
Remodeling your bathroom or any space doesn't always have to be expensive, sometimes all you need is just some creativity and you are good to go.
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